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Antibiotics for Cough, Find Information Here

Utilizing antibiotics for cough, only for certain types of cough. Because, not all types of cough require antibiotic treatment. Inappropriate use of antibiotics can actually cause the risk of side effects. Actually coughing is the body's natural reaction to clear the throat or respiratory tract of foreign objects. Although coughs that occur occasionally are normal, it can also be a symptom of certain diseases. For example flu, allergic reactions, inflammation and respiratory infections such as bronchitis to tuberculosis.

Consumption of antibiotics for cough appropriately

Antibiotics have the main function of killing or preventing bacterial infections. If the cough you experience is not caused by a bacterial infection, antibiotics will not be able to cure your illness. Conversely, if the cough you experience occurs due to the influence of a bacterial infection, it is most likely that antibiotics are the right medicine for your cough. However, to ensure the cause of cough and the right type of antibiotic for cough, you should consult a doctor. Based on the results of the examination to determine the cause of the cough, the doctor will recommend treatment and assess antibiotic administration for the appropriate cough. If it is true that the cough is caused by bacteria, then the doctor will give antibiotics that are suitable for the bacteria that causes you and your condition. Antibiotics for cough are generally consumed for about one week, although in certain types of drugs and conditions it may be consumed for a shorter or longer period of time. In addition, the doctor may also provide additional cough medicine according to the type of cough, for example cough medicine that can facilitate the expectoration of phlegm (expectorant) for cough with phlegm, or cough medicine to reduce cough (antitussive) for dry coughs that interfere.

Consider the Risks of Antibiotic Side Effects

Noteworthy is the use of antibiotics carelessly can cause side effects that will actually harm your body. Consumption of too many antibiotic drugs can trigger resistance or bacterial immunity to antibiotics. As a result, antibiotics will become ineffective in the future against these bacteria because they are already immune. In addition, antibiotics can cause side effects, as well as negative reactions that occur when used in conjunction with other drugs. Below are some of the possible side effects:
  • Loss of appetite
  • Flatulence, nausea, and vomiting
  • Stomach aches and diarrhea
  • There are allergic reactions such as shortness of breath, wheezing, or rashes on the skin.

Simple Ways to Treat Cough at Home

Generally coughing will improve within two weeks, without the need for special treatment. Especially a cough that is relatively mild and unobtrusive. Some simple ways to treat coughs that can be done, namely:
  • Drink enough water.
  • Gargle with salt water regularly.
  • Avoid exposure to dust that causes throat irritation.
  • Sleep with extra pillows so that the head is higher.
  • Drink tea with honey and ginger to help soothe the throat.
A cough that lasts more than two weeks should be checked by a doctor immediately. Likewise cough is accompanied by fever, headache, chest pain, confusion, coughing up blood or shortness of breath. Could be a more serious cause. Always consult a doctor before taking antibiotics for cough, and live antibiotic treatment in accordance with doctor's recommendations. Make sure you follow the dosage and method of use, and take antibiotics that your doctor has prescribed until they run out, to avoid the risk of antibiotic side effects.


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